How to set goals that change the world.

The goal setting secrets of Elon Musk, Bill Gates and JFK.

Setting SMART goals are outdated.

Instead, set goals like Elon Musk, Bill Gates and JFK.

SMART goals limit us to only consider goals that are "achievable".

S.M.A.R.T. goals

S - Specific

M - Measurable

A - Achievable

R - Relevant

T - Time bound

I've studies the goals of great leaders like JFK, MLK, Elon Musk and Bill Gates.

Their goals all had ONE thing in common.

They were EXPANSIVE in what they were out to achieve. And more importantly none of them seemed "achievable" at the time.

These goals caused paradigm shifts instead of incremental improvements.

Based on my findings, I created a framework, so anyone can use it:

S.ME.T. goals

S - Specific

M - Measurable

E - Expansive

T - Time bound

Goals are meant to break through barriers of what is achievable.

Our mind is limited to think that the only things achievable are what has been done before.

Setting achievable goals keeps us safe (from failing), but there is a cost. We miss out on the feeling that we are part of creating lasting change. It robs us of the ability to dream up possibilities and set out to make them happen.

Not all goals have to be groundbreaking, of course. We don't all want to go to Mars, or solve the water crises. But the SET goals framework will help you to reconsider if your goal is bold enough matching to what will challenge you, push you to greater heights.

Consider that none of these goals seemed achievable at the time.

  • The 4-min mile

  • Going to the moon

  • Sub 2-hour marathon

  • Summiting Mount Everest

  • Crossing the sound barrier

  • A computer on every desk

Each of these goals was groundbreaking in its own way, set by leaders who were willing to push the boundaries of what was considered achievable at the time. They were specific and time-bound, but also expansive and holistic, often requiring a complete paradigm shift to achieve.

Go out and make big audacious goals. This is how we move forward as humans.

John F. Kennedy (Apollo Program): "This nation should commit itself to achieving the goal, before this decade is out, of landing a man on the Moon and returning him safely to the Earth."

Goal setting questions to ask yourself:

  1. How does this goal push the boundaries of what I believe is possible for me?

  2. What specific, measurable outcomes will indicate I've achieved this goal?

  3. Is there a clear deadline or time frame for achieving this goal?

  4. How will achieving this goal change my current reality or perception of what's achievable?

  5. In what ways does this goal challenge me beyond my comfort zone?

  6. What resources or skills do I need to acquire to make this goal attainable?

  7. Who can I connect with or learn from to expand the possibilities of achieving this goal?

  8. How will I track my progress towards this goal over time?

  9. What are the potential obstacles or challenges, and how can I plan to overcome them?

  10. How does this goal align with my long-term vision or ultimate aspirations?

I'd like to emphasize that not all seemingly unattainable goals are about external successes or have to make an impact in the world.

For instance, the idea of "starting my own business" once felt like a distant dream to me.

However, simply setting this goal was a transformative step. Embracing any goal that challenges your perceptions of what's possible is bold and commendable no matter how small it may seem.

Scroll down to view goal setting templates.

Thanks for reading!

Talk next week,


P.S. These are my favorite goal setting sheets.

You can download these PDF’s here from this website.