Solopreneurship is NOT better than the rat race.

12 ways to reach 6 figures (and beat the odds)

Solopreneurship is glamorized, but here's the reality:

There are 42 Million solopreneurs in the U.S.

  • Average salary is $39,273.

  • Less then 11% make 6 figures.

  • Only 3.6% ever reach 7 figures.

Yet, its growing lighting fast.

Solopreneurs will be 50% of the workforce by 2027.

Why is it growing so fast?

  • Low barrier to entry.

  • Ease of starting as a side hustle.

  • Access to automation tools like Zapier and AI.

It offers something for everyone:

Boomers: flexible part-time pre-retirement career

Gen-X'ers: for independent schedules and control

Millenials: flexible working hours, freedom of time

Gen Z: digital natives see work as a part of lifestyle

This trend will drive more:

  • Education for solo entrepreneurship

  • Affordable health insurance plans

  • Tools for automation and AI

  • Specialized communities

Why some don't stick with it:

  • It becomes just another job but can't clock out.

  • Salary is lower and less consistent than from 9-5.

  • It can be lonely and stressful to run a solo company.

The 12 proven strategies to making 6+ figures:

 1. Master a niche: Dominate by being the best in your niche.

 2. Aim to be an outlier: Like Mr. Beast, obsess and play the long game for the biggest rewards.

 3. Be early: Predict and position yourself in emerging (and fast growth) niches early and dominate. (People will think you got lucky.)

 4. Diversify your income: Create multiple revenue streams by creating several offers.

5. Communities are the future: Build and nurture an online community around your brand.

 6. Network like crazy: Partner with strategics for mutual growth.

 7. Upskill: Learn entrepreneurship principles to 10x your chance of success.

 8. Build an audience and online brand: This will be your distribution and online sales channel.

 9. Use tech to automate: Use tools like Zapier and AI to maximize your time and scale efficiently.

10. Transition slowly: Solo businesses can start as a side hustle, keeping the security of a full time job.

11. Differentiate: Your unique angle to stand out will be the key to getting noticed.

12. Learn to sell and hustle: Cash is the lifeblood of a business. Create a solid book of returning clients. (Recurring revenue is king💵)

Solopreneurship is not just a career choice; it's a lifestyle that can be satisfying.

And It’s possible to be successful with the right strategy.

Talk to you next week,

Noemi 💛 

P.S. In the meantime, say hi to me on LinkedIn. 👋