The story of the 3 bricklayers

6 Strategies for leading with vision

Today is about a story.

A story that transformed how I think about vision.

Enjoy it. We’ll dive into its powerful lessons at the end.

The Key Lesson?

View ordinary tasks as steps toward your big vision.

It will transform your experience.

It moves you toward the goal.

It will keep the vision alive.

It lights everyone up.

Here are 6 strategies to keep your team focused on the vision.

  • More productive

  • Motivated

  • Engaged

  • Happier

  • Inspired

1/ Share the big picture:

Share how each person's work contributes to the big mission and vision.

Start each meeting with stating the vision.

Mention it in conversations.

Post it up.

2/ Foster ownership:

Encourage team members to see the impact of their work, as a vital contribution to the larger vision.

Help your team see how they are personally contributing to the vision.

e.g. your weekly reports are helping us measure our progress towards our goals.

3/ Celebrate progress:

Acknowledge both small and significant achievements to highlight progress towards the ultimate vision.


  • In public

  • Small steps

  • Big milestones

  • Actions and effort

4/ Personalize the vision:

Align the project's goals with individual team members' personal and professional aspirations. Tie personal goals to company vision.

e.g. Susan’s goal is to move to the C-level, and achieving this milestone in the company will make that happen.

(An excellent book for new leaders by John Maxwell.)

5/ Reinforce the vision:

Consistently remind the team of the big vision, linking their daily tasks to this overarching goal.

Explain how each person’s actions, projects and milestones lead to the big vision.

6/ Lead by example:

Show your commitment and enthusiasm to the vision, inspiring the team through your own belief.

Enthusiasm is magnetic. People want to follow visionary leaders.

Best how to video for crafting your vivid vision.

Remember, a grand vision turns ordinary tasks into extraordinary achievements.

Thank you for reading.

Till next week,
